Chandra, Ricky (2021) Alternatif Penggunaan Friction Damper Pada Gedung Psikologi Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
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Lokasi Indonesia berada di antara empat lempeng tektonik aktif yakni lempeng Indo-Australia, Eurasia, Pasifik, dan lempeng Laut Philipina yang menyebabkan berbagai gempa tektonik yang terjadi di Indonesia. Disisi lain, Indonesia juga berada dalam wilayah “ring of fire” yang memiliki berbagai gunung api aktif yang menyebabkan gempa vulkanik. Hal ini yang membuat Indonesia menjadi wilayah yang berisiko tinggi terhadap gempa bumi. Berbagai inovasi dilakukan untuk mengurangi risiko dan kerugian akibat gempa bumi, salah satunya dengan penggunaan alat peredam friction damper. Friction damper adalah alat peredam yang terdiri dari serangkaian pelat yang dihubungkan dengan baut mutu tinggi. Melalui mekanisme gesek, friction damper dapat meredam energi gempa dan juga mengontrol respon bangunan akibat gempa.
Bangunan eksising yang ditinjau adalah Gedung Psikologi Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya yang terdiri dari 9 lantai dan 1 lantai atap, berlokasi di Jl. Ir. Soekarno-Hatta No. 260, Kota Surabaya. Bangunan dengan tinggi total 38,95 m ini menggunakan material beton bertulang dan sistem struktur rangka pemikul momen khusus (SRPMK). Petama-tama akan dilakukan evaluasi respon bangunan eksisting dan kebutuhan penulangan elemen struktur yang ditinjau. Kemudian berdasarkan analisa penempatan dan tipe friction damper yang paling baik, gedung eksisting dimodelkan dengan penambahan friction damper menggunakan aplikasi SAP2000.
Berdasarkan kedua permodelan tersebut, dianalisa respon bangunan dan kebutuhan tulangan yang terjadi akibat dari penambahan friction damper. Diketahui lokasi penempatan friction damper alternatif IV dengan tipe friction damper arah X sebesar 800 kN dan arah Y sebesar 1000 kN memberikan hasil yang terbaik dalam mereduksi simpangan lantai. Penggunaan friction damper dapat mereduksi simpangan lantai arah X maksimum sebesar 65,62% dan arah Y maksimum sebesar 79,58%. Rasio simpangan antar lantai yang terjadi terhadap simpangan antar lantai izin dapat direduksi pada arah X yang semula maksimum 0,82 menjadi 0,50 dan arah Y maksimum 0,75 menjadi 0,45. Pada elemen yang yang ditinjau, penggunaan friction damper juga dapat mereduksi kebutuhan tulangan pada balok. Meskipun begitu, perlu diperhatikan adanya peningkatan gaya aksial yang terjadi pada kolom akibat dari penggunaan friction damper.
Indonesia's location is between four active tectonic plates, namely the Indo-Australian, Eurasian, Pacific, and Philippine Sea plates which cause various tectonic earthquakes that occur in Indonesia. On the other hand, Indonesia is also in the "ring of fire" area which has various active volcanoes that cause volcanic earthquakes. This makes Indonesia a high-risk area for earthquakes. Various innovations were made to reduce the risks and losses due to earthquakes, one of which was the use of friction dampers. Friction damper is a device consisting of a suitable platform with high-strength bolts. Through the friction mechanism, the friction damper can dissipate earthquake energy and also control the response of buildings due to earthquakes.
The existing building being reviewed is the Psychology Building of the State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya which consists of 9 floors and 1 roof floor which is located on Jl. Ir. Soekarno-Hatta No.260, Surabaya City. The building with a total height of 38.95 m uses reinforced concrete material with a special moment-resisting frame structure system (SRPMK). First of all, an evaluation of the response of the existing building and the need for reinforcement of the structural elements will be evaluated. Then based on the analysis of the type and placement of the most effective friction reducer, the existing building is modeled with the addition of a friction damper using the SAP2000 application.
Based on the two models, the response of the building and the need for reinforcement bars were analyzed due to the addition of friction dampers. It is known that the location of the alternative IV friction damper with the type of friction damper in the X direction of 800 kN and the Y direction of 1000 kN gives the best results in reducing floor displacement. The use of friction damper can reduce the maximum X-direction floor displacement by 65.62% and maximum Y-direction by 79.58%. The ratio between floor drift to the floor drift allowed can be reduced in the X direction which was originally a maximum of 0.82 to 0.50 and the maximum Y direction of 0.75 to 0.45. In the reviewed structural elements, the use of friction dampers can also reduce the need for reinforcement bars in the beam. However, it should be noted that there is an increase in the axial force that occurs in the column due to the use of friction dampers.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | friction damper, gempa bumi, peredam, simpangan lantai, damping, earthquake, floor displacement, friction damper |
Subjects: | T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) |
Divisions: | Faculty of Vocational > Civil Infrastructure Engineering (D4) |
Depositing User: | Ricky Chandra |
Date Deposited: | 27 Aug 2021 17:08 |
Last Modified: | 27 Aug 2021 17:08 |
URI: | |
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