Simulasi Pemurnian Trigliserida dari Crude Palm Oil Menggunakan Metode Continuous Countercurrent Extraction dengan Pelarut Tunggal

Husodo, Amani Salsabil (2024) Simulasi Pemurnian Trigliserida dari Crude Palm Oil Menggunakan Metode Continuous Countercurrent Extraction dengan Pelarut Tunggal. Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Sebagai produsen minyak sawit mentah (CPO) terbesar di dunia, Indonesia berfokus pada penelitian kelapa sawit, seperti produksi minyak goreng berbasis CPO. Umumnya proses produksi yang banyak diterapkan di industri adalah refinery. Beberapa kelemahan proses ini: efisiensi energi yang rendah dan pembentukan monokloropropana-1,2-diol (MCPD) pada bagian deodorasi. Dengan kondisi demikian, maka dilakukan pengembangan produksi minyak goreng berbahan dasar CPO, dengan metode continuous countercurrent ekstraksi (CCE) dinilai paling efektif untuk memurnikan trigliserida (TAG) sebagai kandungan utamanya dan FFA sebagai salah satu komponen yang harus diminimalisir. Kandungan maksimum FFA dalam minyak goreng adalah 0,3% massa menurut SNI 7709:2019 (standar minyak goreng Indonesia). Oleh karena itu, untuk mendapatkan proses produksi yang optimal dan memenuhi standar tersebut, dilakukan simulasi pemurnian TAG dari CPO menggunakan metode CCE dengan pelarut tunggal. Simulasi ini memperoleh thermodynamic property yang sesuai dengan proses ekstraksi eksperimental, sehingga dapat dinaikkan skalanya menjadi skala industri. Thermodynamic property yang tepat dihasilkan dari kombinasi pemilihan property package dan estimasi BIP yang tepat, karena dalam proses ekstraksi ini terjadi kesetimbangan cair-cair yang persamaannya membutuhkan dua hal tersebut. Pada penelitian ini digunakan dua property package berbasis Equation of State (EoS): Peng-Robinson (PR) dan Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK) serta 3 property package berbasis activity coefficient: Non-Random Two Liquid (NRTL), Universal Quasi Chemical (UNIQUAC), dan UNIQUAC Functional Activity Coefficient (UNIFAC) Dortmund (UNIF-DMD). Ada tiga metode estimasi BIP yang digunakan: UNIFAC, UNIFAC-Lyngby, dan UNIFAC-Dortmund. Adapun untuk proses ekstraksi trigliserida digunakan tiga variabel flow rate ratio (CPO: ethanol food-grade): 1:2.5, 1:5, dan 1:7.5 dan dua jenis skema ekstraksi: tunggal (dengan raw material CPO A dan CPO B) serta series (raw material CPO C). Hasil simulasi divalidasi menggunakan eksperimen yang ada dengan analisis statistik seperti relative error, R-Square (R ≈ 0.99), dan p-value (≥0.05). Hasil simulasi yang paling valid diperoleh dari property package berbasis activity coefficient: NRTL dan estimasi BIP: UNIFAC-Lyngby dapat digunakan untuk mengembangkan pemurnian TAG ini. Untuk optimisasi, hasil terbaik yang memenuhi SNI 7709:2019 diperoleh pada penggunaan refluks eksternal 1,5 (bahan baku CPO reguler menghasilkan minyak goreng dengan: TAG 97,85% dan FFA 0,18% sedangkan bahan baku CPO acid oil menghasilkan minyak goreng dengan: TAG 91,69% dan FFA 4,10%).
As the largest producer of crude palm oil (CPO) in the world, Indonesia focuses on palm oil research, such as the production of CPO-based cooking oil. Generally, the production process that is widely applied in industry is refinery. Some disadvantages of this process: low energy efficiency and the formation of monochloropropane-1,2-diol (MCPD) in the deodorization section. Under these conditions, the production of CPO-based cooking oil was developed, using the continuous countercurrent extraction (CCE) method which was considered the most effective for purifying triglycerides (TAG) as the main content and FFA as one of the components that must be minimized. The maximum FFA content in cooking oil is 0.3% mass according to SNI 7709:2019 (Indonesian cooking oil standard). Therefore, to obtain an optimal production process that meets these standards, a simulation of TAG purification from CPO was carried out using the CCE method with a single solvent. This simulation obtains thermodynamic properties that match the experimental extraction process, so that it can be scaled up to industrial scale. The right thermodynamic properties result from a combination of choosing the right property package and estimating the right BIP, because in this extraction process liquid-liquid equilibrium occurs, the equation of which requires these two things. In this research, two Equation of State (EoS) based property packages were used: Peng-Robinson (PR) and Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK) as well as 3 activity coefficient-based property packages: Non-Random Two Liquid (NRTL), Universal Quasi Chemical (UNIQUAC), and UNIQUAC Functional Activity Coefficient (UNIFAC) Dortmund (UNIF-DMD). There are three BIP estimation methods used: UNIFAC, UNIFAC-Lyngby, and UNIFAC-Dortmund. As for the triglyceride extraction process, three variable flow rate ratios (CPO: food-grade ethanol) are used: 1:2.5, 1:5, and 1:7.5 and two types of extraction schemes: single (with CPO A and CPO B) and series (CPO C). The simulation results were validated using existing experiments with statistical analysis such as relative error, R-Square (R≈ 0.99), and p-value (≥0.05). The most valid simulation results obtained from the property package are based on activity coefficient: NRTL and BIP estimation: UNIFAC-Lyngby can be used to develop this TAG purification. For optimization, the best results that meet SNI 7709:2019 are obtained when using an external reflux of 1.5 (regular CPO raw materials: TAG cooking oil products 97.85% and FFA 0.18% while CPO acid oil raw materials: TAG cooking oil products 91.69% and FFA 4.10%).

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Uncontrolled Keywords: cooking oil, crude palm oil, continuous counter-current extraction, optimisasi, simulasi,de palm oil, continuous counter-current extraction, optimization, simulation.
Subjects: T Technology > TP Chemical technology > TP155.5 Chemical plants--Design and construction
T Technology > TP Chemical technology > TP155.7 Chemical processes.
T Technology > TP Chemical technology > TP248.3 Biochemical engineering. Bioprocess engineering
T Technology > TP Chemical technology > TP370 Food processing and manufacture
T Technology > TP Chemical technology > TP669 Oils, fats, and waxes
Divisions: Faculty of Industrial Technology and Systems Engineering (INDSYS) > Chemical Engineering > 24101-(S2) Master Thesis
Depositing User: Amani Salsabil Husodo
Date Deposited: 22 Aug 2024 21:04
Last Modified: 26 Aug 2024 05:50

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