Studi Efektivitas Penggunaan Base Isolator Tipe Lead Rubber Bearing (LRB) untuk Struktur Beton Pracetak pada Hotel Kai Boutique Bandung

Ismail, Muhamad Rizki (2025) Studi Efektivitas Penggunaan Base Isolator Tipe Lead Rubber Bearing (LRB) untuk Struktur Beton Pracetak pada Hotel Kai Boutique Bandung. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Kombinasi metode pracetak dengan sistem isolasi gempa ini tidak hanya menawarkan kecepatan dan kualitas dalam proses konstruksi, tetapi juga meningkatkan kemampuan struktur untuk meredam gaya horizontal akibat gempa, memperpanjang periode alami, dan mengurangi beban pada elemen struktur atas. Hal ini menjadikan inovasi tersebut solusi yang strategis untuk menciptakan bangunan yang aman sekaligus efisien. Tipe base isolator yang digunakan pada tugas akhi ini yaitu Lead Rubber Bearing. Base isolator tipe ini memiliki redaman yang lebih besar dibandingkan base isolator pada biasanya dikarenakan terdapat leadplug di tengah base isolator. Hasil analisis pada gedung hotel KAI Boutique Bandung menunjukkan bahwa model fixed base memenuhi kriteria desain kecuali pada mode pertama yang dipengaruhi oleh eksentrisitas besar antara pusat massa dan pusat kekakuan, sehingga rentan terhadap torsi. Sebaliknya, model isolated base berhasil memenuhi seluruh kriteria desain dan menunjukkan keunggulan signifikan dibandingkan fixed base termasuk analisa histeresis loop serta ketidakberaturan struktur. Penggunaan isolator meningkatkan perpindahan arah X sebesar 845% dan Y sebesar 1310%, dengan simpangan antar tingkat lebih besar, khususnya di tingkat bawah, yang dapat diatasi dengan memperkuat elemen struktur bawah. Struktur isolated base menghasilkan gaya geser dasar lebih kecil, yaitu penurunan sebesar 5% di arah X dan 15% di arah Y. Peningkatan periode alami mencapai 164% di arah X dan 191% di arah Y. Selain itu, struktur isolated base membutuhkan volume beton 22% lebih sedikit dan penggunaan tulangan berkurang sebesar 27% dibandingkan dengan struktur fixed base, sehingga menunjukkan efisiensi material yang signifikan. Keunggulan tambahan dari struktur isolated base adalah penghematan volume material, khususnya tulangan, karena gaya dalam yang lebih kecil. Sistem ini juga memungkinkan penggunaan sistem pemikul gaya gempa SRPMM, yang lebih hemat dibandingkan SRPMK. Dengan demikian, struktur isolated base terbukti lebih efektif dan efisien dibandingkan fixed base, baik dari segi performa dinamis maupun kebutuhan material.
The combination of the precast method with the earthquake isolation system not only offers speed and quality in the construction process, but also enhances the structure's ability to absorb horizontal forces due to earthquakes, extends its natural period, and reduces the load on the upper structural elements. This makes the innovation a strategic solution for creating buildings that are both safe and efficient. The type of base isolator used in this thesis is Lead Rubber Bearing. This type of base isolator has greater damping than the usual base isolator because there is a leadplug in the center of the base isolator. The results of the analysis on the KAI Boutique Bandung hotel building show that the fixed base model meets the design criteria except in the first mode which is affected by the large eccentricity between the center of mass and the center of rigidity, making it vulnerable to torsion. In contrast, the isolated base model successfully met all design criteria and showed significant advantages over the fixed base including loop hysteresis analysis and structural irregularities. The use of isolators increased the X-direction displacement by 845% and Y-direction displacement by 1310%, with larger inter-level deviations, especially at the lower levels, which could be overcome by strengthening the lower structural elements. The isolated base structure resulted in a smaller base shear force, which decreased by 5% in the X-direction and 15% in the Y-direction. The increase in natural period was 164% in the X-direction and 191% in the Y-direction. In addition, the isolated base structure required 22% less concrete volume and reduced reinforcement usage by 27% compared to the fixed base structure, thus showing significant material efficiency. An additional advantage of the isolated base structure is the saving of material volume, especially reinforcement, due to smaller internal forces. The system also allows the use of SRPMM earthquake force resisting system, which is more efficient than SRPMK. Thus, the isolated base structure proved to be more effective and efficient than the fixed base, both in terms of dynamic performance and material requirements.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Sistem Isolasi Dasar, Beton Pracetak, Lead Rubber Bearing, Metode Riwayat Waktu, Base Isolation System, Precast Concrete, Time History Analysis.
Subjects: T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) > TA645 Structural analysis (Engineering)
T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) > TA683 Precast concrete construction. Prestressed concrete construction.
Divisions: Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering (CIVPLAN) > Civil Engineering > 22201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Muhamad Rizki Ismail
Date Deposited: 30 Jan 2025 04:19
Last Modified: 06 Feb 2025 08:48

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