Perancangan Board Game Bertema Makhluk Mitologi Indonesia

Putri, Nabila Amalia (2025) Perancangan Board Game Bertema Makhluk Mitologi Indonesia. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Konten fantasi merupakan salah satu genre media terpopuler di Indonesia yang mana mayoritas diangkat dari tema mitologi lokal. Pada studi di tahun 2022, film genre fantasi termasuk dalam genre terfavorit gen Z dengan persentase 50%. Berdasarkan studi media populer lain di indonesia, tema mitologi cukup berpotensi mendapatkan atensi dan peminat jika diangkat ke dalam media permainan yang mayoritas peminatnya adalah anak muda terutama permainan. Mitologi indonesia memiliki banyak cerita dan tokoh dengan wujud serta kemampuan yang unik, sehingga memiliki potensi mendapat adaptasi ke media permainan fisik atau board game. Board game marupakan jenis permainan yang cukup populer di masyarakat, hal tersebut ditandai dengan tersebarnya café board game di kota-kota besar Indonesia serta komunitas board game Indonesia yang masih sangat aktif. Selain itu, pada 1 Agustus 2023, Kemenparekraf memberi dukungan terhadap industri kreatif board game dengan membahas penyusunan profil industri board game Indonesia bersama APIBGI. Perancangan ini menggunakan berbagai metode penelitian, antara lain studi literatur, studi eksisting, Depth interview, studi eksperimental, prototyping, dan user Testing yang dapat terulang seiring berjalannya proses perancangan, kemudian evaluasi terhadap desain yang telah dibuat. Terkait hasil interview, studi pasar, dan literatur, maka dilakukan pengerucutan segmentasi usia target user, yaitu rentang usia 18-26 tahun. Perancangan ini menghasilkan board game berjudul “Kalpa”, di mana para pemain ditugaskan untuk menjaga keseimbangan dunia di atas kura-kura raksasa selama 1 periode dunia atau yang disebut sebagai Kalpa. Pemain harus mengharmonisasikan setiap makhluk khayangan dan item yang didapatkan dengan memenuhi kebutuhan setiap makhluk yang telah dipanggil untuk mencapai skor tertinggi.
Fantasy content is one of the most popular media genres in Indonesia, the majority of which are based on local mythological themes. In a 2022 study, fantasy genre movies were included in Gen Z's favourite genre with a percentage of 50%. Based on other popular media studies in Indonesia, mythological themes have the potential to gain attention and enthusiasts if they are elevated into game media where the majority of enthusiasts are young people, especially games. Indonesian mythology has many stories and characters with unique forms and abilities, so it has the potential to be adapted to physical game media or board games. Board games are a type of game that is quite popular in the community, this is indicated by the spread of board game cafes in major cities in Indonesia and the Indonesian board game community which is still very active. In fact, on 1 August 2023, Kemenparekraf provided support for the board game creative industry by discussing the preparation of the Indonesian board game industry profile with APIBGI. This research uses various methods, including literature studies, existing studies, Depth interviews, experimental studies, prototyping, and user Testing that can be repeated as the design process progresses, then evaluating the designs that have been made. Based on the results of interviews, market studies, and literature, the target user age segmentation was narrowed to the range of 18-26 years old. This design created a board game titled ‘Kalpa’, where players are challenged to maintain the balance of the world on the top of a giant turtle during one world period called Kalpa. Players must harmonise each celestial creature and item obtained by fulfilling the needs of each creature
that has been summoned to achieve the highest score.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: mitologi, makhluk mitologi, board game, komersial, mythology, mythological creatures, board game, commercial
Subjects: D History General and Old World > DS Asia
G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > GR Folklore
G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > GV Recreation Leisure > GV1312 Board games.
N Fine Arts > NC Drawing Design Illustration
N Fine Arts > NE Print media
Divisions: Faculty of Creative Design and Digital Business (CREABIZ) > Visual Communication Design > 90241-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Nabila Amalia Putri
Date Deposited: 05 Feb 2025 01:53
Last Modified: 05 Feb 2025 01:53

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