Feriyanto, Yuni Eko (2018) Aplikasi Multi Criteria Decision Analysis Untuk Pemilihan Proses dan Operasi Koagulasi-Flokulasi Terbaik pada Pre-Water Treatment System di Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU). Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
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Water Treatment Plant (WTP) adalah salah satu tahapan sistem di Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) dan meliputi serangkaian proses sub-sistem seperti screening, pre-treatment water, desalination dan demineralization. Pada tahap pre-treatment water system terdapat proses pengendapan lumpur yang dibantu dengan zat kimia koagulan dan koagulan-aid. Permasalahan yang umum terjadi di pengolahan air PLTU adalah dosis yang digunakan cukup besar untuk musim hujan dan kondisi air laut pasang namun kualitas air yang dihasilkan belum memenuhi standar PLTU.
Pada makalah ini dilakukan percobaan jar test dengan beberapa variabel proses dan operasi yang mempengaruhi kinerja koagulan dan koagulan-aid seperti %dosis, waktu tinggal dan putaran pengaduk. Variabel kriteria untuk mengukur kualitas air untuk setiap variabel percobaan adalah turbidity, conductivity, pH, total suspended solid (TSS) dan total dissolved solid (TDS). Oleh karena itu, diusulkan pembobotan kriteria menggunakan pendekatan metode Analytic Hyrarchy Process (AHP) yaitu sistem pairwise skala Saaty oleh expert judgment. Pemilihan alternatif terbaik proses dan operasi koagulasi-flokulasi di pre-treatment water system PLTU diusulkan menggunakan pendekatan analisa keputusan multikriteria seperti AHP dan AHP-Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). Pendekatan kedua metode tersebut digunakan untuk penentuan rangking prioritas dan dilakukan analisa perbandingan terhadap hasil yang didapatkan.
Hasil dari makalah ini adalah alternatif terbaik proses dan operasi koagulasi-flokulasi di pre-treatment water system PLTU menggunakan pendekatan dua metode dan hasilnya adalah alternatif ke-1 untuk D60W30P80 yang artinya dosis 60%, waktu tinggal 30 menit dan putaran pengaduk 80 rpm sedangkan alternatif ke-2 untuk D40W20P80. Rekomendasi yang diharapkan terhadap hasil di makalah ini bisa digunakan untuk sistem operasi koagulasi-flokulasi yang efektif di pengolahan air PLTU dan diharapkan berdampak terhadap potensi penurunan biaya operasional
Water Treatment Plant (WTP) is one of the system stages in steam power plant which includes a series of sub-system processes such as screening, pre-treatment water, desalination and demineralization. At the pre-treatment stage of the water system, there is a sludge deposition process that is assisted with the chemical coagulant and coagulant-aid. The most common problem in steam power plant water treatment is despite the plentiful dose used in the rainy season and sea tidal condition, the quality of the water produced still does not meet the standard of steam power plant.
The proposed jar-test technique was performed using process and operation variables that potentially affect the performance of coagulant and coagulant-aid such as the %dosage, residence time and agitator cycle. The water quality was measured using criteria such as turbidity, conductivity, pH, TSS and TDS. In this paper, the use of multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) was proposed using two approaches of AHP and AHP-TOPSIS methods. The sensitivities of both methods were analyzed and the decision model obtained was subsequently discussed and compared.
Based on the result of this paper, it can be concluded that the best alternative process and operation coagulation-flocculation in steam power plant pre-treatment water system based on the acquisition of decision models for two different methods was the first alternative for D60W30P80 and the second alternative for D40W20P80. Recommendations on the results of this paper can be used for operating condition of coagulation-flocculation in WTP steam power plant so that is expected has impact to the potential decrease in operational cost
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