Aryandi, Septya Kukuh (2015) Analisis kebutuhan container yard terminal multipurpose Teluk Lamong Surabaya. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
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Terminal Teluk Lamong dibangun guna menangani
arus pelayaran barang dan petikemas di kawasan Pelabuhan
Tanjung Perak Surabaya. Meningkatnya jumlah barang yang
diperdagangkan pada tahun-tahun terakhir ini, membutuhkan
peran suatu Pelabuhan Petikemas dengan kinerja yang lebih
baik sehingga mampu menjamin kelancaran transportasi
petikemas. Kebutuhan container yard di Terminal Teluk
Lamong adalah indikator yang dibutuhkan untuk menilai
kelancaran operasional Terminal Teluk Lamong dalam
melayani kegiatan bongkar muat petikemas dan
pengembangannya kedepan.
Analisis kebutuhan container yard akan berdampak
pada upaya peningkatan kapasitas saat ini dan masa
mendatang. Untuk itu diperlukan sebuah studi untuk
menganalisis kebutuhan container yard di Terminal Teluk
Lamong, sebagai objek penelitian.
Dengan menganalisis arus petikemas, fasilitas dan
kinerja yang ada di Terminal Teluk Lamong yaitu banyaknya
arus petikemas, panjang dermaga, peralatan penunjang
pelabuhan maka dapat dipergunakan dalam menghitung
kebutuhan container yard di Terminal Teluk Lamong pada saat
ini dan 10 tahun berikutnya.
Studi ini menghasilkan jumlah arus petikemas rencana
yang masuk Terminal Teluk Lamong pada saat awal
pengoperasian 608.115 TEU’s dan 10 tahun berikutnya
1.208.497 TEU’s, kebutuhan container yard di Terminal Teluk
Lamong pada awal pengoperasian 55.921 m2 dan 10 tahun
berikutnya 111.131 m2, serta kinerja utilitas alat yang
digunakan di Terminal Teluk Lamong Ship to Shore Crane
(STS) sebesar 55,69%, Automated Stacking Crane (ASC)
sebesar 44,99%, dan Combine Tractor Terminal (CTT) sebesar
53,45%. ========== Lamong Bay Terminal was built to handle the flow of
goods and container shipping in the Port of Tanjung Perak. The
increasing number of goods traded in the last years, takes the
role of a Port Container with better performance so as to ensure
smooth transportation of containers. The needs of the container
yard in the Lamong Bay Terminal are indicators needed to
assess the smooth operation of the Gulf Terminal Lamong
serving container loading and unloading activities and future
Analysis of the needs of the container yard will have
an impact on increasing the capacity of the present and the
future. It required a study to analyze the needs of the container
yard in the Lamong Bay Terminal, as the research object.
By analyzing the flow of container, and the
performance of existing facilities in the Lamong Bay Terminal
which is the number of container flows, long pier, the port
supporting equipment can be used in calculating the needs of
the container yard in the Gulf Terminal Lamong at this time
and the next 10 years.
The study provides a number of current incoming
container terminal plan Lamong Bay at the beginning of the
operation of 608.115 TEU's and 10 next year 1.208.497 TEU's,
the needs of the container yard in the Gulf Terminal Lamong at
the beginning of the operation of 55.921 m2 and 10 the
following year 111.131 m2, as well as the performance of utility
tool which used in Terminal Lamong Bay Ship to Shore Crane
(STS) of 55.69%, Automated Stacking cranes (ASC) by
44.99%, and Combine Tractor Terminal (CTT) of 53.45%.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Additional Information: | RSS 625.103 Ary a |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Kebutuhan Container Yard, BOR, BTP, Terminal Teluk Lamong, Needs Container Yard, BOR, BTP, Lamong Bay Terminal |
Subjects: | V Naval Science > VK > VK358 Marine terminals |
Divisions: | Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning > Civil Engineering > 22201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis |
Depositing User: | - Davi Wah |
Date Deposited: | 16 Apr 2019 06:35 |
Last Modified: | 16 Apr 2019 06:35 |
URI: | |
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