Evaluasi Kinerja Penyediaan Air Baku Embung Sei Gesek Dengan Pendekatan Balanced Scorecard

Situmorang, Wisdawaty (2019) Evaluasi Kinerja Penyediaan Air Baku Embung Sei Gesek Dengan Pendekatan Balanced Scorecard. Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Embung menjadi salah satu infrastruktur sumber daya air yang sangat diandalkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air baku di Kabupaten Bintan. Salah satu embung yang memiliki debit terbesar adalah Embung Sei Gesek. Embung Sei Gesek mengalami penurunan debit air setiap tahunnya. Selain itu, banyaknya tanaman gulma pada permukaan kolam tampungan serta penanganan untuk mengatasi sedimentasi yang belum pernah dilaksanakan dikhawatirkan akan mempengaruhi kinerja penyediaan air baku. Oleh sebab itu perlu dilakukan evaluasi terhadap kinerja penyediaan air baku Embung Sei Gesek.
Evaluasi kinerja penyediaan air baku Embung Sei Gesek dilakukan dengan pendekatan Balanced Scorecard. Balanced scorecard menggunakan 5 perspektif dalam mengukur kinerja suatu organisasi yaitu: Misi, Pemilik Kepentingan, Pembelajaran dan Pengembangan, Proses Bisnis Internal, dan Keuangan. Analisa penilaian kinerja dilakukan terhadap persepsi responden atas kelima perspektif yang tertuang dalam kuesioner. Pemberian nilai untuk kuesioner mengacu pada panduan penilaian yang disusun oleh penulis dengan menggunakan rating scale 1 s.d. 5.
Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai kinerja untuk tiap perspektif yaitu Misi sebesar 4,34; Pelanggan sebesar 4,28; Pembelajaran dan Pengembangan sebesar 4,16; Proses Bisnis Internal sebesar 4,24, dan Keuangan sebesar 4,25. Penelitian ini juga menghasilkan rencana aksi dari masing-masing perspektif yang dilakukan untuk mencapai kinerja maksimal.
Retention Basin is one of the most reliable water resources infrastructures to suply water needs in Bintan Regency. One of reservoirs that has the largest discharge is Sei Gesek Retention Basin. Sei Gesek Retention Basin experiences a decrease in water discharge every year. Another problem is the number of weed plants on the surface of the reservoir and handling to overcome sedimentation that has never been carried out. These problems can lead to a decrease in the performance of raw water supply. Therefore it is necessary to evaluate the performance of raw water supply for Sei Gesek Retention Basin.

Performance evaluation of raw water supply for Sei Gesek Retention Basin is done by using the Balanced Scorecard approach. The balanced scorecard uses 5 perspectives in measuring the performance of an organization, namely: Mission, Interest Owners, Learning and Development, Internal Business Processes, and Finance. Performance assesment analysis was conducted on respondent’s perceptions of five perspectives contained in the questionnaire. Grading for the questionnaire refers to assessment guide prepared by the author with using a rating scale 1 to 5.
From the study results obtained the performance value for each perspectives they are Mission is 4.34; Customer is 4.28; Learning and Development is 4.16; Internal Business Process is 4.24, and Financial is 4.25. This research also produced actions plan from each perspectives that was carried out to achieve maximum performance.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Additional Information: RTS 627.8 Sit e-1 2019
Uncontrolled Keywords: Evaluasi Kinerja, Embung, Balanced Scorecard, Penyediaan Air Baku, Performance Evaluation, Retension Basin, The Balanced Scorecard, Raw Water Supply
Subjects: T Technology > TC Hydraulic engineering. Ocean engineering > TC167 Dams, reservoirs
Divisions: Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering (CIVPLAN) > Civil Engineering > 22101-(S2) Master Thesis
Depositing User: wisdawaty situmorang
Date Deposited: 23 May 2022 06:18
Last Modified: 23 May 2022 06:18
URI: http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/62989

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