Safe Sanctuary: Penerapan Functionalism dan Healing Architecture pada Mom and Baby Care Center

Tyas, Claudia Cahyaning (2024) Safe Sanctuary: Penerapan Functionalism dan Healing Architecture pada Mom and Baby Care Center. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Mom and Baby Care Center merupakan fasilitas tumbuh kembang sebagai kebutuhan kalangan prioritas masyarakat, yaitu ibu dan bayi. Sebagai layanan tumbuh kembang, Mom and Baby Care Center berfungsi untuk memfasilitasi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang sesuai dengan kondisi ibu dan bayi pada lingkungan sekitar yang tepat. Namun saat ini, masih jarang adanya fasilitas layanan yang mendukung pelayanan ibu dan bayi dengan memperhatikan lingkungan sekitar. Keterbatasan akses dan ekonomi juga berpengaruh terhadap paradigma masyarakat terhadap pentingnya pelayanan ibu dan bayi. Hal ini diperkuat dengan fenomena bahwa ibu dan bayi akan lebih aman jika banyak menghabiskan waktu di rumah saja. Padahal, ibu dan bayi juga perlu beraktivitas di lingkungan luar untuk menyembuhkan (healing) kondisi pasca melahirkan dan memenuhi kebutuhan pendukung lainnya. Melihat permasalahan ini, perlu adanya rancangan yang memfasilitasi kebutuhan ibu dan bayi mereka. Functionalism hadir sebagai dasar pemikiran positif dalam sebuah rancangan yang memberikan perhatian pada fungsi bangunan untuk membantu para arsitek mencapai apa yang diinginkan dan diciptakan rancangan serta lingkungan sekitarnya tanpa merugikan tujuan masyarakat. Kondisi ini ditinjau dengan pendekatan healing architecture guna menerapkan functionalism yang sesuai dengan keterjangkauan lingkungan ibu dan bayi. Dengan metode user specific terhadap ibu dan bayi, Montessori Method dipilih sebagai metode rancang bagi bayi serta Healing Environment bagi ibu dan bayi. Metodologi pelaksanaan rancangan didasari oleh kerangka kerja yang disediakan oleh functionalism mengenai teori fungsional dan teori prosedural dengan langkah utama mengenai persepsi berbagai permasalahan. Dengan memperhatikan keterjangkauan lingkungan penyembuhan (healing), Mom and Baby Care Center hadir dengan perpaduan konsep ekologis antara lanskap dan fasad hijau, kayu, serta bata merah.
Mom and Baby Care Centers are facilities of growth and development for prioritized people in society, moms and babies. As a facility of growth and development, Mom and Baby Care Center have the function to facilitate growth and development in accordance with the conditions of the mom and baby in the right surrounding environment. However, nowadays, there are rarely facilities that support mom and baby care that pay attention to the surrounding environment. The limitations of access and economics also influence the society’s paradigm regarding the importance of mom and baby care center. This is reinforced by the phenomenon that moms and babies will be safer if they spend a lot of time at home only. In fact, moms and babies also need to do outdoor activities in the right external environment to heal post-natal conditions and meet other supporting needs. Seeing these problems, it is necessary to have a design that can facilitate the needs of moms and babies. Functionalism is present as a positive thinking in a design that pays attention to the function of the building to help architects achieve what the design wants and create that design with the surrounding environment without harming society’s goals. This condition is responded using a healing architecture approach with the application of functionalism that is appropriate to the affordability of the mom and baby's environment. With a user specific method for moms and babies, the Montessori Method was chosen as a design method for babies and a Healing Environment for moms and babies. The design implementation methodology is based on the framework provided by functionalism regarding functional theory and procedural theory with the main steps regarding the perception of problem(s). By paying attention to the affordability of a healing environment, this Mom and Baby Care Center comes with a combination of ecological concepts between green, wood, and red brick landscapes and facades.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Functionalism, Healing Architecture, Mom and Baby Care,
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology > BF441 Critical thinking
H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD1393.25 Business enterprises
H Social Sciences > HF Commerce > HF5415.32 Consumers' preferences
H Social Sciences > HF Commerce > HF5415.335 Consumer satisfaction
H Social Sciences > HF Commerce > HF5686.C8 Activity-based costing
H Social Sciences > HQ The family. Marriage. Woman
H Social Sciences > HQ The family. Marriage. Woman > HQ2042 life style
H Social Sciences > HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare
T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
T Technology > TH Building construction
T Technology > TH Building construction > TH385 Building layout.
T Technology > TH Building construction > TH4860 Ecological houses--Design and construction.
Divisions: Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering (CIVPLAN) > Architecture > 23201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Claudia Cahyaning Tyas
Date Deposited: 22 Aug 2024 03:46
Last Modified: 22 Aug 2024 03:46

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